Volunteer Opportunities

Become a part of CBUNA

Volunteering for CBUNA is both personally rewarding and a prestigious opportunity for your own career advancement. Openings for CBUNA committees or short-term task forces are announced via email and the CBUNA website as they become available. Please complete and submit the CBUNA Willingness to Serve Form to cbuna@ajj.com to indicate your interest in CBUNA volunteer opportunities.

Download the Willingness to Serve [Word]

Download the Willingness to Serve [PDF]

Committee for the Practice Analysis

The committee is comprised of a Chairman, CBUNA Board members, and other volunteers who are CBUNA certified but not members of the Board. The committee is chosen for the specific exam level, utilizing a variety of clinical experiences, practice settings and represent a diverse geographical background. These members present with strong communication and leadership skills who work in conjunction with C-NET to develop a list of activities, demographic data and knowledge, skills and abilities that are the basis for the Practice Analysis/Role Delineation survey tool. Following data collection, the task force reviews the survey results and makes recommendations for the test specifications. The practice analysis also delineates and differentiates the roles of the NP from the registered nurse. Most importantly, a practice analysis is performed every five years to be sure the test reflects current practice and is kept up to date.

Committee for Test Development

This committee is comprised of a Chairman, CBUNA Board members, and other volunteers who are CBUNA certified but not members of the Board. The committee is chosen for the specific exam level, utilizing a variety of clinical experiences, practice settings and represent a diverse geographic background. Members of the Test Development Committee are considered “content experts” concerning the knowledge and skills needed by urologic specific level for safe practice.  These members present with strong communication and leadership skills and work in conjunction with C-NET to develop and write test questions to meet the CBUNA blueprint requirements.

Each question on the test can be linked directly to the tasks/activities in the practice analysis survey. The test committee meets in person to review, evaluate, and write test questions. To be certain that the test content is accurate, all questions are supported, using the most recent edition of the SUNA Core Curriculum for Urologic Nursing and/or other references as recommended in the section online entitled” Suggested Reading Material.”

The test consists of 175 questions that match the test blueprint. Some of the questions are new experimental or “pilot” questions that are not scored.  Pilot testing of new questions allows for the evaluation of questions to determine if they are valid before they become scored questions.

Committee to Set the Passing Standard (Angoff)

This committee is comprised of a Chairman and at least five CBUNA certificants, appropriate for the specific exam level. Members of this committee possess strong communication and leadership skills and serve as subject matter experts (SMEs). These members are geographically diverse with a wide variety of clinical experiences, practice settings and years of practice. This committee works in conjunction with C- NET, our testing agency to develop the passing score of the newly developed examination using the Angoff procedure. During the Angoff procedure, each test question is reviewed to determine its level of difficulty. The passing score is determined based on the SME panel’s estimation of the level of difficulty required to identify individuals who have an acceptable level of knowledge and skill. Therefore, each candidate’s test score is measured against a predetermined standard, not against the performance of other test takers.